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Home Assistant

Power-up integration.

Updated over a week ago

Home Assistant is an open source platform for those who wish to build their own smart home solutions. The platform runs on Python 3 and works very well with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ SBC.

What opportunities do I have when I combine Home Assistant with Tibber?

Today, Tibber has an integration with Home Assistant. Or, more correctly, Home Assistant has an integration with us. What that means is that you can collect prices and Pulse data from Tibber to Home Assistant, but not the other way around. You can use our API to create your own smart controls, but we do not have a dedicated API for heat control with Home Assistant.

Can I control Home Assistant via Tibber?

You can not control it directly from Tibber. You can use our API and fetch data which you store yourself. Currently we do not offer historic logs.

I am using Home Assistant and I have Tibber as my electricity provider. Is there a solution in Tibber that can control my devices locally when the electricity price is high?

This can not be done via the Tibber app to Home Assistant, but you can use to create your own smart controls.

I have installed Tibber Pulse, how can I smart charge via HA?

If you want to make your own controls based on power consumption, you have to create your own integration with Home Assistant.

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