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Take control over you effect with Peak Control!
Take control over you effect with Peak Control!

What are effect tariffs and how can Tibber help you

Updated over a week ago

Some Swedish grid companies have introduced power charges that allow them to partially charge customers based on the hours the customer consumes the most electricity during a month. Since we at Tibber want to help our customers consume electricity smarter, we have developed features to help you get even better control of your consumption hour by hour and take control of your power peaks (and thus your power charge)! βš–οΈπŸ’°

NOTE: The functions are currently only available to customers who have a network company with a power charge model that is calculated regardless of which day or time of day you have your highest consumption.

  • Customers with a Tibber electricity contract and a Tibber Pulse/Watty installed will find the functions to set Max consumption per hour (Item 1 πŸ‘‡) and High consumption notifications (Item 2 πŸ‘‡) in the Pulse/Watty settings.

  • Customers who also have an integrated charging box can also activate Peak Control (Item 3 πŸ‘‡) in the Pulse/Watty settings. This allows Tibber to actively and automatically adjust your charging speed to try to stay below the maximum limit.

What are effect tariff power fees? πŸ’Έ

Power charges are a way of charging based on electricity consumption during individual hours. The aim for network companies is to avoid peaks and troughs and get a more even utilization of the electricity network which is positive for the whole country's electricity supply. They simply want people to stop using all their electrical gadgets at the same time πŸ”Œ

Keep track of your peak consumption with Tibber ⚑️

The aim of the features is primarily to give you, with a network company that charges based on consumption during individual hours, the opportunity not to end up at an unnecessarily high level. But we also want to be able to give all our customers a better overview of their electricity consumption and be able to give a heads-up if consumption is approaching the maximum limit you have set. πŸ˜‡

1. Set your desired maximum consumption πŸ“ˆ

If you have a Tibber Pulse installed, you can set your desired maximum consumption per hour (kW/h). The function is primarily for customers with network companies that charge effect tariff fees, but can be used to keep track of and receive push notifications πŸ‘‡ if the hourly consumption seems to be higher than the limit you have set yourself.

⚠️ To find the right kWh level for you and your home, you should

Review your consumption over time under Analyze β†’ Consumption β†’ Per day in the Tibber app.

Then check what your network company's model for power charges looks like and what you feel is a reasonable maximum consumption per hour based on your conditions (which parts of the consumption you can control/move, etc.).

Then you set the desired maximum hourly consumption that you do not want to exceed by clicking on the icon for Pulse β†’ βš™οΈ β†’ Max per hour.

Over time, you will get insights and the possibility to optimize the level you set in the app

2. Push notifications for high electricity consumption with Tibber Pulse/Watty 🚨

With a Tibber Pulse or Watty installed, you can get push notifications in the Tibber app when we estimate that you are at risk of exceeding the maximum hourly consumption you set πŸ‘†

3. Tibber Pulse/Watty + Easee/Zaptec = Power Control βš–οΈ

⚠️ This feature can affect your charging speed ⚠️

It almost always pays to smart charge your car at full power overnight when electricity prices are at their lowest. However, for customers with grid companies that charge based on consumption during individual hours, high hourly consumption during the night can contribute to a higher bill from the grid company. This is when you need to activate the power control to help you stay below the desired maximum hourly consumption.

The function requires that you are an electricity customer with Tibber, have a Tibber Pulse and an integrated charging box from Easee or Zaptec connected to Tibber.

What grid companies have effect tariff fees?

In 2018, the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (EI) was tasked by the Riksdag with drawing up regulations for the capacity charges and ensuring that the best conditions are created for efficient use of the electricity network.

Which network companies charge power fees and how is constantly updated, so check with your network company about what applies to you.

Impact fees must be designed in such a way that they:

  • Cover the network company's operating and development costs of the electricity network.

  • Are reasonable for the consumer

  • Give consumers an incentive to use the electricity network efficiently

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